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ArkhangelskPomorskaya str., 5
The administration of Arkhangelsk acknowledged the trade employees of Titan Development LLC
In honor of the Day of Trade, four employees of the company were awarded with honorary diplomas and letters of appreciation: the administrator of the Titan Arena mall Natalya Morozova, the administrator of the Central Department Store Nadezhda Zanina, the deputy chief engineer Andrei Zlobin, and the cleaner of the Svetlana shopping center Lyudmila Buldakova.
The awards were presented by Irina Lobova, the head of the department of trade and services for the population of the department of economic development of trade:
— It is nice to know that your work is constantly improving, you are not standing still, moving forward, studying demands and needs of the modern consumer, forming unique trade offers and creating additional conveniences for your customers, — Irina Lobova said. Your professionalism and hard work, your faith in success and persistence in achieving your goals serve as a guarantee of the sustainable development of the consumer market of our city. The administration of Arkhangelsk is ready to support you in solving issues regarding the development of the industry and the implementation of socially significant projects. May your work bring joy to people, and in return, you always receive only gratitude and joyful smiles.
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